Flood Fill Not Working-HELP!!
(too old to reply)
2020-07-04 21:06:47 UTC
Need help on how to restore defaults. i uninstalled, reinstalled,
uninstalled, etc. and it still uses my settings.
i dont know what i did, but the flood fill was working fine, then one
day, *POOF* it stopped working. the undo button recognizes that i used
the flood fill icon, but it shows nothing on my image. please help.
Thank you for a lot of help!!!
TeAnne Pantony
2021-02-09 05:31:01 UTC
addition to prior suggestions, that the "Match Mode" on the Control
Palette is set to *None*. Having it set to anything else might seem to
yield no effect. I have yet to figure out how to use the other Match
Modes ....... I'm trying to decipher the relevant info in Help.
Thank you. I had mine set to RGB Value due to a project I was playing with, The floodfill would one work in one area and I had to keep clicking to fill the other selections.