question about PSP 8
(too old to reply)
2010-06-20 11:17:52 UTC
I need to put 4 photos side by side and save that as a single photo;
but I can't figure out how to do this with PSP 8. I was able to get 4
photos side by side using the print layout; but there doesn't seem to
be any way to copy it or save it as a photo file. My question is:

1 Can I do what I want with PSP 8 or do I have to use another program
for this.

2 If it can be done with PSP 8, please tell me exactly how to do this,
because, even with my PSP8 for dummies book, I can't figure it out. :-

I really appreciate any help with this. Thanks!

2010-06-20 12:29:41 UTC
Post by juneperry
I need to put 4 photos side by side and save that as a single photo;
but I can't figure out how to do this with PSP 8. I was able to get 4
photos side by side using the print layout; but there doesn't seem to
1 Can I do what I want with PSP 8 or do I have to use another program
for this.
2 If it can be done with PSP 8, please tell me exactly how to do this,
because, even with my PSP8 for dummies book, I can't figure it out. :-
I use PSP7 so this advice may not be exactly the same for PSP8, but in
PSP7 there is no way to automatically join multiple photos together like

Instead, you would open the 4 photos, perform any resizing as needed,
then use Image/CanvasSize to enlarge the canvas on the 1st photo to be
big enough to include the other 3 as well, then paste the other 3 into
the 1st one and drag them to position.

Having said that, when I want to do something like this I just use
another excellent free program, IrfanView, which has a Create Panorama
Image function built in that does exactly what you want.
2010-06-20 16:27:26 UTC
Post by juneperry
I need to put 4 photos side by side and save that as a single photo;
but I can't figure out how to do this with PSP 8. I was able to get 4
photos side by side using the print layout; but there doesn't seem to
1 Can I do what I want with PSP 8 or do I have to use another program
for this.
2 If it can be done with PSP 8, please tell me exactly how to do this,
because, even with my PSP8 for dummies book, I can't figure it out. :-
I really appreciate any help with this. Thanks!
Create an image big enough to take two of your images across and 2 down Use
image information to see how big your images are first so that you can make
the new one big enough. You can copy paste into the large image then use the
move tool to reposition them. Turning on guides from the View menu may help
to get them aligned.
2010-06-23 06:34:13 UTC
Post by juneperry
I need to put 4 photos side by side and save that as a single photo;
but I can't figure out how to do this with PSP 8. I was able to get 4
photos side by side using the print layout; but there doesn't seem to
1 Can I do what I want with PSP 8 or do I have to use another program
for this.
2 If it can be done with PSP 8, please tell me exactly how to do this,
because, even with my PSP8 for dummies book, I can't figure it out. :-
I really appreciate any help with this. Thanks!
I use PSP9, but what I would do is calculate what the total pixel width needs to be
for all the pictures. Then I'd change the canvas size of the intended leftmost
picture to that size. Then I'd Copy and Paste images 2 thru 4, one by one, into
position in the new picture (which would need to be saved under a NEW name, not the
original.) If the pictures are different HEIGHTS, and you want them all the same,
resize them first before calculating final width.

If you need to do such things on a regular basis it'd pay you to just download
Irfanview at http://www.irfanview.net/. It does this sort of thing easily, under the
menu heading "Create Panorama image".
