Need help with Jasc Media Center screensaver problem - Dup from other groups
(too old to reply)
2011-11-22 18:30:28 UTC
Sorry to be posting similar/identical messages in different groups
but I don't see what that is relevant to my problem, so I'm just
trying to find some knowledgeable people out there who might be
able to help me.

Hi, All. Been out of the game for quite awhile, lots of reasons.
Started working with my PC recently and ran into an odd problem.

I use an old thumbnail viewer from the former Jasc Software called
Media Center Plus 3.10. Fits what I need, including graphics file
display, editing, slide shows, even a screen saver that just flips
pictures in a given "album" full of images from multiple folders.

Not long ago, the screen saver simply stopped working. It starts,
displays 1, 2, maybe 3 or 4 pictures, then just stops. The process
"jasme~1.scr" is left behind in Task Manager. Ending this process
will allow the screen saver to start again, but it just keeps

I run Win XP Pro SP3 on my PC. I have the identical program on an
old desktop running Win XP SP1 (yes, SP1!) and a newer laptop
running XP SP3. They BOTH run the screen saver fine, as did mine -

I have tried the usual stuff, starting with simple reboots,
eventually completely UNinstalling the underlying Jasc Paint Shop 7
graphics editor which backstops Media Center. After the uninstall,
I found and deleted every Registry reference to "Jasc Media
Center." then RE-installed the whole thing. Same problem. My SWAG
is that some MS update that's on MY PC because of it's HW and other
SW (that the other 2 PCs don't have) is the culprit, but can't
prove it.

Of course, I have Googled for some time, and the only real
reference is to a VIRUS that hides in "Jasc Media Center Plus.scr",
the actual executable that sits in C:\Windows. It is NOT infected.
I had first checked with with Zone Alarm then deleted it, and RE-
installed, again checking for infection. Clean.

Anyone 1) Familiar with this app, and 2) familiar with the screen
saver problem I describe? If YES to both, can you help me fix it?

Many thanks.
2011-12-27 18:02:18 UTC
Post by HEMI-Powered
Sorry to be posting similar/identical messages in different groups
but I don't see what that is relevant to my problem, so I'm just
trying to find some knowledgeable people out there who might be
able to help me.
Hi, All. Been out of the game for quite awhile, lots of reasons.
Started working with my PC recently and ran into an odd problem.
I use an old thumbnail viewer from the former Jasc Software called
Media Center Plus 3.10. Fits what I need, including graphics file
display, editing, slide shows, even a screen saver that just flips
pictures in a given "album" full of images from multiple folders.
Not long ago, the screen saver simply stopped working. It starts,
displays 1, 2, maybe 3 or 4 pictures, then just stops. The process
"jasme~1.scr" is left behind in Task Manager. Ending this process
will allow the screen saver to start again, but it just keeps
I run Win XP Pro SP3 on my PC. I have the identical program on an
old desktop running Win XP SP1 (yes, SP1!) and a newer laptop
running XP SP3. They BOTH run the screen saver fine, as did mine -
I have tried the usual stuff, starting with simple reboots,
eventually completely UNinstalling the underlying Jasc Paint Shop 7
graphics editor which backstops Media Center. After the uninstall,
I found and deleted every Registry reference to "Jasc Media
Center." then RE-installed the whole thing. Same problem. My SWAG
is that some MS update that's on MY PC because of it's HW and other
SW (that the other 2 PCs don't have) is the culprit, but can't
prove it.
Of course, I have Googled for some time, and the only real
reference is to a VIRUS that hides in "Jasc Media Center Plus.scr",
the actual executable that sits in C:\Windows. It is NOT infected.
I had first checked with with Zone Alarm then deleted it, and RE-
installed, again checking for infection. Clean.
Anyone 1) Familiar with this app

Uni :-)

, and 2) familiar with the screen
Post by HEMI-Powered
saver problem I describe? If YES to both, can you help me fix it?
Many thanks.