Post by Dave SymesPost by HypatiaPost by HypatiaI was wondering if there was anything to allow Explorer to preview
.pspimage files? I've done some googling over last hour but nothing
has come up.
Thx. :)
Thanks for everyone's help the other day. I really appreciate the
information re the plugin to preview pspimage format files.
But I'm stuck. I stopped using my Windows Explorer replacements
because they don't support the "plugin", if I can call it that for
easy reference.
But WinXP's Windows Explorer has always given me problems in keeping
details view settings (and I've done extensive research on that over
at the MS ngs, etc., with no lasting results).
Does anyone know how to get something like PowerDesk Pro (PDP) to be
able to show PSP files? PDP has turned out to be the best, most
reliable WE replacement I've found and it works great as a standalone.
I'm checking into what it might support in terms of viewing other
graphics images but was just curious is anyone else used this WE
replacement and had managed to get it to view PSP files.
I'm a long time user of PDP (now on version 7) and have never managed to
get it to display PSP thumbnails.
I did write the support department some while back asking about it, and
why it couldn't work with the third party addons that allow Win Explorer
to display PSP files.
I was informed that PDP works differently to Win Explorer, so the addons
wouldn't work, and there was, at that time, no plans to work up PSP
(Minority filetype) support.
Post by HypatiaAnyway, any comments towards this appreciated. You guys are so
knowledgeable about PSP-related things, thought I'd give it a try.
You never know ... <g>
Thx. :oD
Having an inordinate amount of trouble with the Corel version of the PSP
file browser, I use something called XnView which will display PSPimage
thumbnails, and even open some version files but not the X1 versions.
That is, it will display the X1 thumbnails but not open the files.
1.94.2 is the latest version of XnView.
Dave S
Thanks for the response! I'm on PDP7 now myself, too, and love its
reliability and ease of use. I've tried so many others over the last
couple of years! <g>
Here's the challenge, I just need to view the files quickly. XnView
has been extensively recommended in the archives and I gave it a shot
before posting this thread initially. Trouble with XnView is that
it's more a viewer, etc., not an explorer-type program. I don't need
anything other than to be able to quickly preview images, not a whole
other program. And none of the other viewers really act like WE or
anything related. I also don't have alll my context addons available
with XnView, so again I'm stuck.
Well, not giving up. I'll keep looking. There seem to be a lot of
"raw" photo possibilities, though don't know what exactly that means
or if a possible solution lies there. I know that the current problem
is that I've been doing a whole lot of graphics work in last week and
that I can live with things when I'm not doing graphics every day but
it would be nice to work easily, switching between folders, checking
things out, copying, re-working, etc. being able to easily and quickly
view the images just by touching on them as I do for all the rest of
the folder contents. If only there was a way to view pspimages with
whatever we needed to without opening them up each time in PSP.
Well, will continue on as I have been. WE is definitely out. Once I
disabled PSP7, I lasted a whole day before I nearly lost all my hair
from the hair pulling! Will just have to keep opening the files when
I need to <sigh>.
However ... the search continues ... <g>