Daryl Robbins
2010-03-01 15:10:42 UTC
I remember reading about, and myself even posting about, how when Jasc was
bought up by Corel that that'd be the end of any further useful
functionality to PSP. That they'd run it into the ground, while "Unlocking
its value" for themselves of course.
Word has spread to other graphic editor software discussion forums now
about the latest release of X3. I receiving the news about X3 on a forum
for a another editing program that I jumped-ship to four years ago when I
saw what a mess that Corel was making of PSP. Luckily it is not related to
any of that overpriced bloatware sold by that Mud-Hut company either. I'm
so glad I saw the writing on the wall when I did, from watching other
companies in the past run software into the ground the same way Corel
would, and did. I've had no reason to ever run PSP since.
Just out of curiosity I thought I'd see if anything has changed with PSP in
the four years since Corel has been wrecking it--downloading it to see.
I couldn't even get it to run after a one-hour install time. Tried that
three times, an hour install each time, turning things off, then on,
disabling them from services, etc. Not to mention what seemed an equally
long uninstall time for each attempt. Or the time I wasted searching the
net for solutions from all the hundreds if not thousands of others having
similar problems.
Here it is, a whole four years later, and still only a few of you are
starting to wake up.
You've been had, and had good. Now they are selling "customer support" for
a program that requires pay-for customer support in order to even get it to
run. With virtually zero real changes in editing capabilities, and even
less capability, since PSP 9 and X. Other than 400 megs of bloatware
add-ons that serves no real useful purpose. They can't make money from the
software they broke, so make money from those calling in on how to fix what
can't ever be fixed again. That's the only "value" left in Corel "unlocking
its value". Taking your productive time and money away from your life to
make it theirs.
The funniest part? Some of you will still pay for even that too. Corel
learnt well the motto of P.T. Barnum and how he made his riches, "There's a
sucker born every minute."
What a fun reminder of why I jumped ship four years ago.
Some things never change.
The true sign of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting a different result. Four years of the same actions and choices
done by the very the same people, to only prove that anyone who has
supported or continues to support PSP and Corel for four years or more
truly are insane. Even four years of it won't be enough for some to prove
to themselves that they have gone insane.
Enjoy another four years of that. Just thought I'd stop in to mention how
many were right four years ago and moved on to better editors which have
grown in leaps and bounds in functionality all this time, quite unlike PSP.
Back to my preferred editors now. One day in four years wasted on PSP again
was more than enough for me. I'm not insane. Leaving Corel and PSP in the
dirt four years ago is proof enough for that.
bought up by Corel that that'd be the end of any further useful
functionality to PSP. That they'd run it into the ground, while "Unlocking
its value" for themselves of course.
Word has spread to other graphic editor software discussion forums now
about the latest release of X3. I receiving the news about X3 on a forum
for a another editing program that I jumped-ship to four years ago when I
saw what a mess that Corel was making of PSP. Luckily it is not related to
any of that overpriced bloatware sold by that Mud-Hut company either. I'm
so glad I saw the writing on the wall when I did, from watching other
companies in the past run software into the ground the same way Corel
would, and did. I've had no reason to ever run PSP since.
Just out of curiosity I thought I'd see if anything has changed with PSP in
the four years since Corel has been wrecking it--downloading it to see.
I couldn't even get it to run after a one-hour install time. Tried that
three times, an hour install each time, turning things off, then on,
disabling them from services, etc. Not to mention what seemed an equally
long uninstall time for each attempt. Or the time I wasted searching the
net for solutions from all the hundreds if not thousands of others having
similar problems.
Here it is, a whole four years later, and still only a few of you are
starting to wake up.
You've been had, and had good. Now they are selling "customer support" for
a program that requires pay-for customer support in order to even get it to
run. With virtually zero real changes in editing capabilities, and even
less capability, since PSP 9 and X. Other than 400 megs of bloatware
add-ons that serves no real useful purpose. They can't make money from the
software they broke, so make money from those calling in on how to fix what
can't ever be fixed again. That's the only "value" left in Corel "unlocking
its value". Taking your productive time and money away from your life to
make it theirs.
The funniest part? Some of you will still pay for even that too. Corel
learnt well the motto of P.T. Barnum and how he made his riches, "There's a
sucker born every minute."
What a fun reminder of why I jumped ship four years ago.
Some things never change.
The true sign of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting a different result. Four years of the same actions and choices
done by the very the same people, to only prove that anyone who has
supported or continues to support PSP and Corel for four years or more
truly are insane. Even four years of it won't be enough for some to prove
to themselves that they have gone insane.
Enjoy another four years of that. Just thought I'd stop in to mention how
many were right four years ago and moved on to better editors which have
grown in leaps and bounds in functionality all this time, quite unlike PSP.
Back to my preferred editors now. One day in four years wasted on PSP again
was more than enough for me. I'm not insane. Leaving Corel and PSP in the
dirt four years ago is proof enough for that.